The genesis ( 2015 )
We officially launched our first website. It was a great feeling to finally establish an online presence for our business.
The objective was to create a website that was interactive, straightforward without too many bells and whistles.
All we wanted it to do was showcase some of our work so we could gain validity with new customers.

I always smile when I see our 2015 website banner.
The beautiful animations, the little waves moving from right, left top to bottom gave joy to some of our visitors. Some of our friends actually complained when we redesigned our website.
Jackson, our technical lead with all his creative abilities and skills designed our first Logo, we all loved it with the cute little globe hovering on top of the letter ‘ i ‘, his idea being that we would one day become the best in the world. The tagline was simply the long-form of iPF - “ We’re ICT Problem Fixers” — the story of how we came up with this name is an interesting one, but we’ll save it for another day (spoiler alert, Jackson our then creative lead had something to do with it :).
You might’ve noticed part of the tagline included “ Software Crafting Company”, and asked yourself, why that? The answer is nothing fancy or thoughtful, we just needed something fancier than a software development company. However, in retrospect what we really meant was “Custom Software Development Company” as we have been developing custom websites and mobile applications since then.
Helping Tanzania businesses stand out in the digital world ( 2018 )
Three years after “the genesis” we shifted our focus towards helping businesses #StandOut, and with that, we launched a new website. This was the fanciest website we had ever developed till then, we even hired a graphic design expert to work on a whole new logo and upgrade our color palette.

Creating Digital Solutions For Businesses in Africa ( 2019 )
We realized that we had the potential to expand our services beyond Tanzania, we had already launched our in-house solution ( Biashara Plus ) to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. For a young company like ours, this was a major step because we could start seeing a breakthrough towards our vision of serving Africa.
The designer in me who likes pretty things always gets all emotional about this website. Anyway, I digress, the 2019 website communicated our mission, purpose, and what we do more clearly than any of the previous websites. It served us for a good three years - gave us traction, credibility, and many opportunities.

However, we have gone through some major transformation and growth internally since early 2020.
Our processes, service, and even purpose had changed but we took a while to update our website to the point where we’d sometimes ask our new clients and prospects to ignore what’s on the website and instead just focus on the pitch that was handed to them by our business development representative because it reflected our new purpose and processes while the website was still lagging behind.
A lesson to any entrepreneur and business owner who is reading this — make it a habit to update your website frequently to keep your brand communication uniform across all the touchpoints.
And of course, if you need help with the digital transformation of your organization, email me at and I’ll be more than happy to help you and your team.
Focusing on impactful digital solutions ( 2021 )
After a long wait, we’ve finally released our new website, the 2021 version. The new site features a modern design, improved functionality, and easy access to essential information to help people effectively learn about our work, mission, purpose, values, projects, and most importantly our blog where we share insights and our experience in technology and innovation.
Let’s take a quick tour around our new website.
The Home Page: The objective of this page is to highlight every other page on the website but also to provide enough information to get our visitors to wish to learn more about us, our services, and learn about our processes and how we successfully build digital solutions.
My favorite part of this website page it’s the top bubble animation highlighting what we’re made to showcase our values.
About Us Page: Company culture is important and the backbone for our success, unlike the traditional about us page, we have used this part of our website to showcase our company culture, values and of course, taking a page out of Simon Sinek’s book we started with “Why We Do What We Do”.
Work Page: Through this page, you will be able to get a highlight of our featured projects and the impact we have done over the years.
Our Services: Probably the most detailed page beside the homepage, we took time to explain about our services, technology we use, partners we have worked with, and our processes.
Contact Us: We asked ourselves why not merge FAQ and contact us, and we couldn’t really find any good arguments against it, so we did it. We also added a little touch of magic to balance the visual hierarchy between the contact us form and the FAQ section based on context — check it out here:
Blog & Insights Page: We’re determined to update our website more frequently and keep our blog page updated more often sharing our insights, knowledge, and experience in innovation and technology. So be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know when all the cool things we’ll be talking about come out.
Are you ready for a digital transformation of your organization, contact us through and I’ll be more than happy to help you and your team.